Hi, I am Rinne Jacob. I am the member of a happy living family of four. According to me, my family is my life. I love to spend quality time with them.
I am passionate about living a happier and healthier lifestyle while not compromising to any kind of enjoyments or entertainments that my family would be seeking for.
I am a mother of two charming daughters and I enjoyed every moment of my motherhood. I know what kind of expectations a mother would have for her baby and how passionate a mother would be to give her best for her children.
When I was pregnant, I always wanted to give the best that I could for my baby, be it regarding food, apparels, accessories, comfort, medicines, etc. I have done my masters in health communication.
In order to balance my family and professional lifestyle, I decided to work as a freelancing health communication professional. I can understand the worries of a mom and hence wanted to always help such mothers to get the best for their babies.
With this intention, I decided to start a website by the name, “www.MoM-Health.com“. This is the place where you can find solution to every query that a woman would have during her maternal period.
You can also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. You can feel free to contact me and put in forward all your queries to throw away all your worries and enjoy every happy moment of your motherhood.