Enhancing fertility rate is not a rocket science. If you understand how pregnancy happens, you will surely know how to make things favorable to achieve pregnancy.
You should be aware of the factors that create unfavorable environment for the process of fertilization and learn how to repair them to achieve fertility enhancement.
Everyone knows that having a physical relationship with your opposite partner leads to pregnancy. However, timings count a lot to give effective and fast results. For best results, make it right before you ovulate.
Infertility problems in men
Just like infertility in females, males do suffer infertility issues. This problem in them too results in impotency and thus the couple will be unable to achieve pregnancy.
According to statistical reports, about 10% - 15% couples will be unable to conceive even after one year of continuous trials for pregnancy, out of which 1/3rd couples discover infertility problems in men, 1/3rd cases discover infertility problems in women and 1/3rd couples discover the problems in both the partners.
Male infertility treatment is mostly based on semen analysis. The test process happens by evaluating man’s semen as a sample to measure the sperm count, shape and movement.
Ideally, the test is performed at least twice to confirm the results.Once the cause of infertility is known, the doctor knows how to treat you and gives you fertility advice accordingly.
Chances Of Fertility After Miscarriage
Other common tests include:
How to boost fertility factors
Many factors contribute for achieving pregnancy. You need to work on all of them till you achieve your desired result. Let’s discuss about some of the most effective fertility enhancement factors and how to boost them:
1. Fertility boosting factors in female
Weight control
Both overweight and underweight create unfavorable conditions for achieving conception.
According to reports, the BMI (Body Mass Index) for a woman should be in the range of (18.5 – 24.9) to achieve pregnancy.
Healthy weight plays a very important role when preparing yourself for a conception.
Avoid Beverages
Avoid taking too much coffee or alcohol if you want to improve fertility.
You need not give up your daily cup of coffee but avoid taking more.
2. Fertility Boosting Factors In Male
Save Sperm
According to old wives’ tales, men should expose their reproductive organ to less heat in order to save the quality and count of sperm.
Hence, hot tub bathing for prolonged time is not suggestible for men. Though studies did not prove this, it has been accepted that men who spend more time working on laptops by placing them on their laps has experienced impotency due to the heat generated by the device.
Also, stay away from radiation that is exhibited by electronic devices like laptops, mobiles, X-rays etc.
3. Fertility Boosting Factors For Couple
Avoid Smoking
Smoking impairs fertility rate in both men and women. In women, uterus is affected by becoming less receptive to egg while in men, the sperm production is drastically reduced. Even DNA is damaged.
Never Ignore Fertile Window
Fertile window is the six days period after which ovulation completes. If a couple gets into physical relationship during this period, they are more probable to increase fertility rate.
To know this fertility enhancing period within you, you can make use of devices that help you in predicting ovulation beforehand.
Get Into Physical Relation Frequently
These days, because of stressful life, the couples do not have time to spend for each other. You need to extract time for making love as frequently as possible if you really want to enter parenthood.
Choose Safe Lubricants
Use of vaginal lubricants tend to decrease fertility rate. Hence, try to make less use of them. If at all you need to use them, get the one suggested by your doctor and ensure that it is not going to impair your fertility rate.
Gain Control Over Your Fertility
You need to personally take charge of your fertility if you want to boost your fertility rate.
For that, you need to educate yourself on how pregnancy happens, how to create friendly environment for conception by maintaining health conditions, proper diet, effective workouts, drinks and herbal intake, acupressure etc.
Face The Problem Boldly
You need to keep yourself away from worries and tensions if you are finding it difficult to conceive even after continuous trails.
Worries will simply throw you into depression while facing the issue boldly will fetch you solution. If you are unable to conceive normally for more than a year, it is time that you start to work on improving fertility boosting factors to enhance fertility.
If you still encounter issues in conceiving then it is high that you should see a doctor to know if you are suffering from any infertility problems.
The doctor makes a physical examination if required and suggests some tests before starting the infertility treatment. Once the lab reports confirm the problem, you can undergo treatment and enjoy the fruits of parenthood.
You can even research for products that promise to help you conceive naturally. Such products inform you about natural ways to increase fertility. For more details, you can refer: https://www.mom-health.com/Pregnamcy-Miracle.html