Lisa Olson’s Pregnancy Miracle Review

Author and world renowned nutritionist Lisa Olson claims that she has discovered the secret to getting pregnant in less than sixty days… Even for “infertile” women. Is this possible?

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Is Pregnancy Miracle BooK A Scam? – Read My Entire Review Below..

How did she discover the secrets?

The busy and modern lifestyle is urging most of the couples to avoid pregnancy for years after marriage.

Lisa and her husband were one such type of couples. When they entered their mid-thirties, they were passionate about having kids, but were only left out with disappointment.

Lisa tried for more than four years and was finally diagnosed by a gynecologist only to know that she was “infertile”.

Lisa did not lose her faith in getting conceived and hence she did not give up. She took the matter into her control and started researching on various other methods to fix the problem.

She read many books and articles, visited hospitals and researchers worldwide and made several treatment plans.

At last, she got to know about an important part of her research. She strongly believed that this would lead her to the path of success.

She followed it and successfully conceived in less than a month. Her ten years of passion for pregnancy has come true with this new trick.

Lisa now understands the sufferings faced by infertile women who crave for pregnancy. She thus decided to help women by letting them know her invaluable trick that leads to a successful pregnancy.

She therefore started constructing the program “Pregnancy Miracle”, which has helped hundreds of women to become moms.

What Is The Book About

book coverThe pregnancy miracle book has helped hundreds of women to conceive.

The important secrets, tricks, techniques, exercises, diet and body cleansing techniques discussed in this book are invaluable and explained in step by step for clear understanding of the concepts.

The size of the book is 300 pages, out of which first 100 pages are full of valuable and informative content on fertility, common procedures that improve the chances of getting pregnant, the working of your biological reproductive system, mostly known fertility treatments in the West and various ancient Chinese fertility techniques.

The next 200 pages give you details on in-depth personal plan for getting pregnant.

It is a 5 step plan for getting pregnant fast and have healthy babies.

A Detailed 5 Step Plan

Phase 1: Perfect harmony, balance and congruency for getting pregnant

In this section, the content informs you about various methods to prepare your body before and after ovulation to increase your chances of conception. Various activities, do’s and don’ts are discussed here in detailed manner.

Phase 2: Perfect diet to improve the chances of conception

In this section, Lisa discusses about food, vitamins and minerals that enhance your chances of conception. Details about diet like what food you should prefer and what you should avoid, the recipes, amount of food you need to eat, timings of having food etc. are clearly discussed here.

Phase 3: Herbs and acupuncture that enhance conception

The program is constructed using ancient Chinese fertility techniques that are still not popular in the West. Acupuncture and herbs work a lot to balance your physical body to enhance your chances of conception.

List of various herbs are discussed in this section, that boost the fertility rate when consumed. Acupuncture plays a very important role in improving your chances of conception.

It has been in use for centuries in China and the results have impressed the Western doctors too.

The method depresses the sympathetic nervous system in your body and thus the medicines work effectively on your body to boost the chances of fertility.

Phase 4: Internal body and liver purification

In this section, Lisa discusses about a three day juice that promotes internal cleansing. She then recommends a 7 day parasite cleansing, heavy metal cleanse and liver purifying protocol.

She outlines the reasons for internal cleansing and how it is significantly related to the issue of infertility.

She clearly explains what to eat and when to eat for detoxification, along with timings, that in turn enhance your chances of conception.

Phase 5: Improving your Qi Acupressure and gong workouts

In this section, the author explains how stress affects fertility in women. It guides you through various information about ancient Chinese “mountain wisdom”.

She explains you various Qi gong workouts and acupressure techniques, which help in relaxing and calming your body muscles.

She also outlines how these techniques work to prepare your body for conception.

Getting The Pregnancy Miracle Book

Now that you know what the book is exactly about, you might try to get one for you if you are passionate about getting conceived.

The book has helped hundreds of women who were passionate to get pregnant. Many people who joined the program, came out with successful results.

The author offers the book on a challenge of “60 Day Money Back Guarantee”. If you find that the book is not worthy or, if you do not find results within first 60 days of purchasing the book, you can simply request for a refund.

The amount will be refunded without asking any questions. Moreover, Lisa offers a discount of $30 on the book price and hence, you can get it for $37.

You can order for the book online and expect to receive at your doorstep. There is no wrong in giving a try. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request for a refund and hence, you would lose nothing.

However, if you are successful in getting conceived, your dream would come true. A number of incredible success stories clearly prove that “Pregnancy Miracle” is a fabulous product.

What is Lisa saying About Her Book?

Pregnancy miracle is not a normal guide for conception. It talks about male and female anatomy and explains why many couples find it hard to get conceived in modern days.

This book guides you to a life time journey to parenthood and the information is beyond the knowledge of a doctor.

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About the Author Rinne Jacob

Rinne Jacob is the founder of and is the mother of 2 charming daughters. During the day she’s a freelance health communication professional based in USA and has done her masters in health communication. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter. Feel free to engage and ask her any questions...