Shape Up Your Postpartum Bellies With Squeem Perfect Waist

Squeem Perfect Waist ReviewI really don’t know how time passed by. It’s already 5 months that I had my third child. Just after 6 weeks of delivery, I was back to my normal routine life style.

Partly, I must thank my SQUEEM Perfect Waist belly binder as I would have never achieved back my figure without using it.

I would surely refer the product to all my friends who would like to shape up their postpartum bellies. The product really works and I whole-heartedly thank its creators.

Squeen Perfect Waist is a waist cincher that really works to shape up your abdominal muscles and gives you successful results.

After I had my third baby, the space between my abdominal muscles, usually referred to as diastasis recti, has bulged out to nearly 2 to 3 inches.

This was really weird and it did not suit my petite frame. My midwife was really worried about it and hence suggested me to start doing some special workouts. She also gave me a belly binder.

My Personal Review

How easy is the maintenance?

maintenanceNow that I was told to use belly binder, I thought of making a good research on it to know more about it. I wanted to know the success stories, how it works, how genuine it is, its price etc.

Above all, I wanted to go for the best brand that had maximum possible positive reviews.

When I researched about belly binders and waist cinchers, almost one whole day, I came across Squeem Perfect Waist which appeared to be solving my problem.

Most of the users of this belly binder had experienced problems in the past like that of mine. So I felt that this is the perfect product that can take me out of this problem successfully.

Hence, I ordered the product with specifications as beige color and small size. In the beginning, I found it difficult to fit the extra stuff of my belly while attempting to fix the belly binder.

The fitting size appeared to be absolutely perfect. Slowly, I started feeling comfortable and I got used to wearing it conveniently without any hassle.

After few days of its use, I could easily wear it in no time. The binder was made of cotton and had tiny hooks.

I ensured that I wore my Squeem postpartum belt for at least 8 to 12 hours a day, continuously for 8 weeks. I did not miss even a single day.

To my surprise, I could figure out that all my abdominal muscles were coming back to their original shape. I could regain back my original shape.

Frankly speaking, I could notice the change from the 7th day of using the product. The results were absolutely fantastic and I was very happy to report the results to my friends.

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How comfortable is it?

ComfortableThe product is really comfortable to wear, till the extent where the waist cinchers go. Though my waist size was quite short, it did not dig into me until I stooped or sat on the couch for longer periods.

Believe me, I would not even remember that I was wearing something around my waist whenever I was in a standing or walking position.

The product reminds me every time to suck my stomach muscles whenever I wore it and it always gave me the best posture possible.

Now that it is almost 8 weeks that I had used it, and my stomach looks and feels absolutely normal. It has regained its shape and fitness just like how it was before delivery.

Now I no longer experience the space between my abdominal muscles. Since I delivered the baby recently, it is understandable that it takes time to go back to my pre-pregnancy self.

Hence, I still prefer wearing the product around my waist even when I go out. The waist cincher under my clothes helps me look better in muffin tops by smoothing out the look of my belly bulge.

According to me, Squeem Perfect Waist is a must-have for every mother during the postpartum stage. I feel that every pregnant woman should get these amazing shape wear as a gift during their baby shower celebrations.

Educate them about the importance of these belly binders and how they work to keep them fit and perfect, both in terms of health and shape.

How does it benefit?

squeem before and afterBelly binding has many benefits provided you use it regularly until you get the results. You need to have patience as you cannot get back your original shape within a day. Once a woman gives birth to a baby, her abs and stomach needs proper support.

This is especially important if you had a C-section or had undergone multiple pregnancies, as the abdominal muscles undergo severe stress.

Hence, the belly binders not only shape up your waist, but also supports your abdominal muscles during the times when it is really required.

Who all can enjoy the benefits?

Whom Does It BenifitAs per my thinking, you need not be a mom to wear Squeem Perfect Waist. I first saw this product in the Oprah magazine, in the May’14 edition. It was mentioned in the article as “Not Your Grandma’s Corset”.

I strongly agree with the statement though I cannot convey you with all the good things about this corset. The product exactly addressed my postpartum belly the way I expected.

Today, it became a part of my daily undergarment wardrobe. It whittles my waist, flattens my bulged tummy and hides my muffin top. It really works magically and does wonders to look the best in your attire.

Hence, it is a must-have for every women who like to shape up their waist.

Final Say

You can get the product at your door step if you order online at or sites. You need to look for Squeem “Perfect Waist” Firm Compression Waist Cincher.

It costs around $55, which is really worth the product. Now that you know what it does and how comfortable it is, you must surely give a try.

About the Author Rinne Jacob

Rinne Jacob is the founder of and is the mother of 2 charming daughters. During the day she’s a freelance health communication professional based in USA and has done her masters in health communication. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter. Feel free to engage and ask her any questions...